Beechwood Recruitment

Beechwood Recruitment
221 High Street
W3 9BY
United Kingdom
Phone number:
020 8992 8648

We have placed thousands of people all over the world and you too can benefit from our service. There are many advantages of being a Beechwood candidate - please take just a few minutes to read what we can offer you! Beechwood gives you a clear advantage over other agency's candidates! You may not realise it, but your prospective employer has to pay anything between 15 and 30 percent of your annual salary to the agency who successfully introduces you to them. Do you think they like paying this?? Just think how much they have to spend if they need to fill a number of senior positions! On the other hand, Beechwood candidates do not cost an employer any percentage fees as the employers have already paid a subscription, which allows them to recruit a limitless number of people from us. So when all things are equal between you and another agency's candidate, who do you think would have the edge??

Beechwood Recruitment
221 High Street
W3 9BY
United Kingdom

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