PDD Group Ltd
87 Richford Street
W6 7HJ
United Kingdom
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At PDD, you will find the skills, knowledge and management needed to create the products and services needed for growth and commercial success.
Our talented team of researchers, designers, engineers and model-makers has been built over many years to provide the customer insight, design creativity and delivery of reliable solutions. This integrated team can take your projects from end-to-end, or provide specialist input, both in a collaborate relationship. It’s a model our long-standing clients love and as we work with new companies, we continue to grow steadily.
Our technical team works on step-change innovations, exploiting opportunities through ideation and feasibility into development, proof and finally into robust manufacture. We are proud to have patented and developed so many award-winning and profitable products for clients that remain in daily use around the world in such diverse fields. You are certain to have come across them!

PDD Group Ltd
87 Richford Street
W6 7HJ
United Kingdom

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